What is Builder?

Builder can automatically quality check multiple website build factors for any business

Zoe Fletcher avatar
Written by Zoe Fletcher
Updated over a week ago

With Builder you can automatically quality check multiple website build factors for any business in 60 seconds, which means saving time vs. running manual checks. All of your sites will be held to the same standard you define, so you can ensure high customer satisfaction with each site that's rolled out. Having a quick but solid process will also delight your customers as there'll be no waiting around and they can get around to what really counts - running their business!

Define your own quality standard

You can choose what elements are checked and define your very own quality standards for the team to follow. The platform includes automated checks and manual to-do lists for your developers - a one-stop for all of your QA needs.

Save production time

Builder enables you to identify issues, where they are on the website, and find out how to fix them quickly. The detail tab gives you in-depth insights into the test scores along with jargon-free tips on how to improve the scores achieved on each report.

Prove your value to customers

A side-by-side comparison of the websites’ progression builds confidence in the customer and proves the value of your service! Having a consistent QA and tracking process will lower the chance of churn amongst your customer base. The progress tab is a great conversation starter - opening up the opportunity to upsell other digital marketing products

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