The activity reports section is essential for understanding how your production team is utilising Insites. It also provides valuable key performance indicators. Administrators can access activity reports by clicking on the profile silhouette and selecting Activity reports from the drop-down menu.
You can find the reporting section under Production team performance.
Production Team Performance Dashboard
This dashboard displays:
A list of users in the production team
The number of audits each user has conducted
The average number of audits per business
The total number of completed checklist tasks
The average checklist completion rate
The number of checklists started and completed
The users' highest improvement in a short amount of time between audits
The most common issue experienced during the audit process
You can use several filters to narrow down the results you see. These filters include date, team, user, and section of the report.
Production team performance export
You can use this section to export the report usage into a spreadsheet