Monitoring your team's performance and the tools they use within the platform is essential to your business's success. It helps you understand where there may be knowledge gaps within your team.
Fortunately, getting all of that information within the platform is easy. Simply go to the Activity Reports section.
Team activity summary
Click on your profile picture and select Activity Reports. You'll see the summary page, which provides a snapshot of team activity in the form of:
The most and least active users last month
Sales team engagement last month
Team activity dashboard
To get more in-depth statistics on team activity, head to the team activity tab along the top
From there you can view stats on activities within the team such as the following:
Added business
Added product
Generated PDF
Logged in
Ran batch analysis
Searched business
Sent email
Total tested
By default, these statistics appear, but you can also customise them by clicking the pencil icon on the right and selecting/unselecting the items you want to view.
If you would like to view specific teams, users, or dates, you can use the date filter or the drop-down menu to select a different team. You can also use the "Search users" feature to view a specific user.
Clicking on the name of a stat will switch the list into ascending or descending order.
To export team activity information, simply click on Export on the right-hand side. Then, select whether you want to export current fields or all fields. This will download a CSV file to your computer.