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Want to know how Insites works? Find answers to commonly asked questions here.
How does Insites pick the pages it tests?Understand how the website pages are chosen when auditing a business
Why can't this website be tested?Guidance on why Insites may not be able to test a particular website, and what you can do about it.
Is Insites down right now?Find out whether Insites is experiencing technical issues
What languages does Insites support?A directory of all of the languages Insites supports
How can I update my payment details?Guiding you through updating your payment card details
Can I add a PO number to my invoice?A guide on how to download invoice and update your purchase order number
How can I cancel my Insites account?A guide on closing your account
Handling client objectionsA guide on how to handle client objections
Are you GDPR compliant?Want to know how we look after your data? Get answers here!
How can I delete my Insites account and all the data you hold?How to delete your account and erase all information Insites stores about you